Public sector advanced collaboration programme
“A more collaborative and cohesive public service is needed to address complex issues that span agency boundaries. Agencies and partners need to be able to work together on shared, people-focused kaupapa and outcomes.”
- NZ Public Service Act 2020
This is an advanced collaboration training programme and leadership development opportunity for Government leaders.
Specially designed for Government leaders tasked with collaborating across sectors, this advanced leadership training is focused on enabling effective and meaningful collaboration, cultivating a more cohesive public service so cross-sector issues can be addressed.
It is designed for Directors, Managers and Senior Policy Advisors within the public sector, leading or actively involved in cross-agency and/or cross-sector collaboration. It is not an introductory course and admission to the course is by application only.
This programme can be used in two ways
Individual professional development
For the individual programme you will be part of a diverse group of Government leaders from different agencies.
The group will be limited to 16 participants with two facilitators in order to maximise potential for exchange and personal attention.
Partnership building
The real-time partnership building programme is customisable to a partnership dynamic. Government leaders from various agencies attend together, building a common language and framework while developing strategies for the design, management and review of their partnership.
Programme structure
The programme comprises of 4 full-day workshops, 2 half-day Action Learning Groups, and 3 one-on-one coaching sessions spread over 6 months.
Part 1
In this 2-day module we will explore the fundamentals of effective collaboration, and the core competencies required to lead collaboratively. Topics covered include: Collaborative leadership; Diagnosing issues; Relational intelligence/ growing & using emotional intelligence; Team orchestration; Working with diversity; Embracing conflict.
Part 2
In this 2-day module you will develop and experience core collaboration practices: Co-creating shared purpose; Collaborative agreements; Facilitating collaborative meetings/ processes.
At the conclusion of Module 2, you will have developed a personalised Action Plan to guide how you will apply your learning in your context.
Part 3
Act & reflect
Deepening your reflection, learning and applying it in your context with a 1/2 day workshop and 3 one-on-one coaching sessions.
Programme benefits
Learn to diagnose problems in your operating environment and assess the need for collaboration
Access personal & professional insights into the mindsets, competencies and skills to lead collaboratively
Gain a practical toolkit to lead across organisational boundaries
Build your relational intelligence and how to create environments of trust, mutual respect and shared aspiration
Learn to skillfully embrace and work with diverse perspectives and interests
Many of the insights and skills you develop during the programme, will also be directly transferable to a range of work situations.
Equipped to influence results at a systems level
Capability to unlock collective intelligence within and beyond your organisation to address complex issues
Reduced silos within your organisation and across the organisations you need to work with
Help adapting your organisation to an increasingly complex operating environment
Increased staff engagement
Benefits are amplified by having more than one representative from your organisation or current collaborative initiative participate.
What previous public sector participants have said:
“I highly recommend this course for anyone working with partners or looking to build effective and meaningful working collaborations.”
“I have renewed focus and confidence to consider and tackle relationships and be intentional with my approach to partnering.”
“This course will lead to immediate improvements in our partnering programme. You have given me a lot of clarity on the principles, spheres of partnering and the tools I need.”
“Great role modelling – very experienced training team – able to draw on so many examples. Fantastic!”
When is the next programme?
Dates for the individual professional development programme will be released in July 2023. Sign up in the footer to be notified. Or please contact me if you’re interested in the customisable advanced programme for your partnership dynamic.
What is included in the cost?
The programme fee includes tuition costs, background reading materials, copies of all the training materials, lunches, and snacks. The fee does not include travel or accommodation.
Where is the venue?
Tiakiwai Conference Centre, The National Library, Wellington.
What is the investment?
Full fee: $6,750
Early bird fee: $5,950
How many participants?
The programme is limited to 16 participants, with 2 facilitators.
Where will I stay?
The programme is non-residential and accommodation is organised by the participants.
“Competencies that will become increasingly important for public service leaders will include the ability to work collaboratively across organisational boundaries and work effectively through relationship management and influence. We need leaders who have been developed from a very early stage in their career to work in new and different ways to deliver results.”
— NZ Public Service Commission, Leadership Strategy of the State Services
Feel free to contact me with any questions, or to discuss whether the Advanced Collaboration Programme is right for your needs.
I am always happy to make time for a coffee and chat.